One of the few people that warned about these horrible acts in Egypt,
Maikel Nabil, has been sentenced to two years in prison yesterday in a
closed session by military rulers (despite being a civilian). I remember the
paper he wrote…”The people and the army never were one” and now the accusations
for him are “cronyism”……where is the justice? the right that people demand….the
justice is being stabbed in the streets right now.
excessive use of force made by the army, the security forces, police and secret
police seems more like an act with vengeance against protesters than simple
“dispersion”. Gamal el Gazouri, the current Prime Minister thinks
like that: "the decision has definitely taken, they attack elections and threaten the New Egypt". Well, now from his point
of view revolutionaries are called “offenders” to democracy. Maybe he didn´t
listen prestigious Cairo-based Al-Azhar “Arab Spring charter
guidelines” or independet scholars when established that: “the use of violence against peaceful
citizens delegitimizes the ruling of any authority and ends its reason d'etre.”
That´s come from University, one of the sources of human wisdom, one of the
most preacious treasures in Egypt, one of the intelectual and political arenas
in public egyptian affairs...come on army listent people¡¡
the current situation in Cairo is very similar to situation in Syria where
people that made possible a peaceful revolution are now in the middle of
mercenaries of power. In Egypt we have the old muslim brotherhood that,
as the army, with the people never were one. They were always speculating the
best moment to announce themselves as the “best solution for a New Egypt” and
now again, with the blood and death in Tahrir, they are just waiting for fear
takes people and legitimize the power they won in last elections, elections that
are not clean at all as we can see in the notes of independent journalists. In
Syria, without elections, there also are speculators in some organizations that
are betting on a civil war that will result in more peaceful victims. With
NATO, Russian, American and "Assadist People", the revolution
in Syria is in danger as in danger is Egypt with Mujabarat, Army and the old
muslim brothers.
repression, violence, wars..... democracy cannot be built with theses bases but
with reason and justice. The people have peacefully spoken loud and clear in
whole Arab world and in Egypt the way must begin with a civilian government for
national salvation, followed by an election of a special commission that will
write up a constitution and finally by presidential elections that would end
military´s mandate and puts the country completely and entirely on civic and
democratic tracks.
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